WASHINGTON, SABTU - Es di Benua Antartika akan semakin menipis. Hal ini disebabkan pemanasan global. "Perkiraan jangka panjangnya tidak begitu optimistis," kata ilmuwan atmosfer, Jennifer Francis dari Rutgers University, Jumat (2/5) waktu setempat. James Overland, pakar oseanografi dari National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, mengatakan, "Musim panas yang lalu, es di utara berkurang dengan kecepatan tertinggi yang pernah dicatat, diduga karena pemanasan global. Walaupun radiasi matahari dan gas rumah kaca di atmosfer kutub sama dengan bagian bumi yang lain, sampai saat ini kawasan kutub merespons secara berbeda." Kesimpulan para peneliti adalah di utara, pemanasan global dan keragaman iklim alami saling memengaruhi, membawa Arktik ke kondisi baru, dengan berkurangnya lautan es dibandingkan sebelumnya. Sebaliknya, Overland menjelaskan,"Lubang ozon di Antartika melindungi kondisi benua ini sehingga suhunya tetap rendah di hampir seluruh bagian, kecuali pada semenanjung yang menjorok ke Amerika Selatan.
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PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), a subsidiary of PT Bumi Resources Tbk, operates a coal mine in Sengata, East Kalimantan, and is one of the largest export coal mines in the world. Coal production target for 2008 is 42 mtpa and plans are underway for further expansion in 2009 and beyond to bring optimum economic returns to the company and its stakeholders.
To support its expanding operations, a number of major infrastructure projects are to be developed and the capacity of existing facilities are to be significantly increased.
KPC strongly believes that the success of the expansion depends on the quality and the professionalism of our team. We would like to invite you to be part of our great team to fill the positions in the following areas:
• Mine Engineering
• Electrical Engineering
• Business Analysis
• Civil Engineering
• Accounting
• Mechanical Engineering
• Environmental Engineering
• Occupational Health and Safety
• Geology
• Human Resources
Visit our website to see the job details: www.kaltimprimacoal.co.id. Qualified candidates will be offered a very competitive remuneration and benefits package, learning and growth opportunities, and career development.
Forward your resume (including details of present position, remuneration, and latest color photograph) to:
E-mail: recruitment@kpc.co.id
Mining Company
We are nickel mining company would be operated soon in South East of Sulawesi. We would like to invite you to join us for below positions:
1. Site Manager (Code: SM)
2. Geologist (Code: GEO)
3. Quality Control Spv/ Staff (Code: QC)
4. Mine Operational Spv/ Staff (Code: MO)
5. Mine Designer (Code: MD)
6. Lab Analyst Spv/ Staff (Code: LAB)
7. Mechanic (Code: MEC)
8. Electrician (Code: ELC)
9. Loading Master (Code: LM)
10. Marine Surveyor/ Draftman (Code: MS)
11. Logistic Spv/ Staff (Code: LOG)
12. Finance Spv/ Staff (Code: FIN)
13. Accounting Sv/ Staff (Code: ACC)
14. HRD Spv/ Staff (Code: HRD)
15. Administration (Code: ADM)
16. IT Spv/ Staff (Code: IT)
17. Health, Safety and Environmental Spv/ Staff (Code: HSE)
18. Topografer (Code: TOP)
19. Industrial Engineering (Code: IE)
20. Marketing (Code: MKT)
• Male/ Female.
• Minimum 3 years working experience in related discipline (all positions).
• Fresh graduate with high qualifications are welcome to apply for staff positions.
• Minimum S1 Geologist (point 2 & 3).
• Minimum S1 Mine Engineer (point 4 & 5).
• Familiar with heavy equipments such as excavator, dozer, and dump truck (point 7 & 8).
• Must be willing to be relocated at remote/ site area.
• Able to work under pressure.
• Good computer literate min. Microsoft Office (except for point 7 & 8).
Please send your resume with recent photograph to:
PO BOX 3954 JKT 10039
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